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  • Türkçe Orijinal Dil
  • 32 Sayfalar
  • 2013 Çıkış tarihi

Peygamberi̇mi̇n Ki̇m Olduğunu Bi̇li̇yorum (İngi̇li̇zce)

Peygamberimin Kim Olduğunu Biliyorum – I Know Who My Prophet Is (İngilizce)

Ömer Baldık
Timas Publishing

Orijinal fiyat: € 11,00.Şu andaki fiyat: € 11,00.  7,15

Children easily take example anybody as their role models, so why do not we teach our children the best role model? Parents can teach them about the best example for humanity with this book from the series. Why do we need a messenger? What sort of virtues must we acquire to be like our Prophet? Children will find answers to their questions of this [...]

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