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  • Türkçe Orijinal Dil
  • 32 Sayfalar
  • 2013 Çıkış tarihi

Ki̇tabımın Kuran Olduğunu Bi̇li̇yorum (İngi̇li̇zce)

Kitabımın Kur’an Olduğunu Biliyorum – I Know That My Book Is Qur’an (İngilizce)

Ömer Baldık
Timas Publishing

Orijinal fiyat: € 11,00.Şu andaki fiyat: € 11,00.  7,15

Kids can ask some questions that leave parents confused. This guide offers wonderful insights to meet even the most difficult questions. Does Allah speak to us? What sort of rules are there in the Qur’an? Parents can read the series, “I’m Learning My Religion”, to their 5 to 7 years old children. 1st and 2nd graders can also read and enjoy the [...]

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