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  • Türkçe Orijinal Dil
  • 32 Sayfalar
  • 2013 Çıkış tarihi

Dua Etmeyi̇ Bi̇li̇yorum (İngi̇li̇zce)

Dua Etmeyi Biliyorum – I Know How To Make A Du’a (İngilizce)

Çiğdem Özmen
Timas Publishing

Orijinal fiyat: € 11,00.Şu andaki fiyat: € 11,00.  7,15

Starting from 4-5 years old, children question their existence, heaven and hell, and try to understand their surroundings through the questions they keep asking, which sometimes leave parents helpless. The series “I’m Learning My Religion” comes up at this point to assist you with lovely stories that your kids will enjoy. The authors wrote the [...]

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