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  • Türkçe Orijinal Dil
  • 32 Sayfalar
  • 2013 Çıkış tarihi

Character Educatıon

Neden Söz Di̇nlemem Gereki̇yor (İngi̇li̇zce)

Burcu Neden Söz Dinlemem Gerekiyor? – Burcu Why Listen To My Parents? (İngilizce)

Nurşen Şirin
Timas Publishing

Orijinal fiyat: € 13,00.Şu andaki fiyat: € 13,00.  8,45

Burcu lives with her mom, dad, her brother Alper and her lovely bird Giggles. Burcu is curious and sometimes mischievous girl, but she’s also very cute. Burcu and her brother Alper’s adventures will surely entertain any child. Burcu is even cuter than her brother, and the readers of all ages cannot help but love her!
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