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  • Türkçe Orijinal Dil
  • 360 Sayfalar
  • 2013 Çıkış tarihi

365 Günde Sevgi̇li̇ Peygamberi̇m (İngi̇li̇zce)

365 Days With The Prophet Muhammad (365 Günde Sevgili Peygamberim İngilizce)

Nurdan Damla
Gülce Kids

Orijinal fiyat: € 50,00.Şu andaki fiyat: € 50,00.  32,50

“365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad(saw)” is a beautiful book that is a must own for Muslim families everywhere. This carefully crafted piece won the Best Work in Translation award at the Islamic Bookfair of Indonesia. For every day of the year it goes tells a story of our Prophet(saw) in order that you and your children can read a new story [...]

“365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad(saw)” is a beautiful book that is a must own for Muslim families everywhere. This carefully crafted piece won the Best Work in Translation award at the Islamic Bookfair of Indonesia. For every day of the year it goes tells a story of our Prophet(saw) in order that you and your children can read a new story [...]

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