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365 Days With The Sahabah - 365 Günde Peygamberimin Arkadaşları İngilizce

Yayınevi: Timaş Publishing Stokta Var Stokta Yok
Yazar: Nazmi Taha Kılınç, Taha Kılınç
45,00 EUR
33,75 EUR
Kredi kartına 0 taksit imkanı

Back cover text

365 Days with the Sahabah tells the stories of 243 Sahabah. The book is filled from cover to cover with bright and richly colored illustrations that children cannot get enough of. Readers can also look up each Sahabi’s story in an index, so if they want they can see that Sahabi’s entire story at once.

Why this book is important?

They were always with our Prophet (saw). Love, mercy, ethics, peace, and way of life: they learned them all from him. They never left him and learned how to be a Muslim with his guidance. Now, each of them are telling us about their lives, their experiences and the time they spent with our Prophet (saw). This way children will begin to get an idea of the world that the Prophet lived in by seeing it from all of these many different angles. The stories are aligned chronologically in order to grant children a sense of Islamic history of the golden age. This book gives you and your children the chance of knowing prophet’s closests and spend 365 joyful days together with them.

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